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What We Offer


Client Services 

Major areas of assistance available through the A&FRC include the following services: 

  • Personal Preparedness 

  • Information and Referral 

  • Relocation Counseling

  • Personal Financial Services Counseling 

  • Employment Assistance 

  • Transition Assistance 

  • Family Life Education 

  • Emergency Financial and Crisis Assistance 

  • Assessment and crisis counseling is available through short-term sessions

Customized Assistance and Training

Whatever the unit request may be, the Military & Family Readiness Center will strive to provide needed services to units through our own programs and through collaboration with community agencies.

Morale and Work Unit Team-building: We offer team-building exercises to help individuals and understand how to communicate more effectively and work together more efficiently, increasing both their morale and their level of camaraderie. 
​Develop and Enrich Spouse Groups: We are ready to assist commanders in establishing new groups, strengthening existing groups, training spouse group leaders and providing on-going support to these integral members of our military community. 
Family Matters Consultant for Unit Commanders: CRCs assist unit leadership in assessing individual or family concerns and in making appropriate referrals in areas such as finance, communication, parenting, etc.
 â€‹Facilitation of Personal Empowerment: Our CRCs assist in providing individuals' a better understanding of their contribution and significance in the USAF.

Morale and Work Unit Team-building: We offer team-building exercises to help individuals and understand how to communicate effectively and work together more efficiently, to increase both morale and their level of camaraderie.

​Develop and Enrich Spouse Groups: We assist commanders in establishing new groups, strengthening existing groups, training group leaders, and providing on-going support to these integral members of our military community.

Family Matters Consultant for Unit Commanders: CRCs provide unit leadership assistance in assessing individual or family concerns and in making appropriate referrals.

Facilitation of Personal Empowerment: Our CRCs assist in providing individuals' a better understanding of their contribution and significance in the USAF.

​Leadership and Management Consulting

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