Travis AFB
Military & Family
Readiness Center

Our Readiness NCO can assist you and your family in preparing for deployment, unaccompanied remote tours, or TDYs more than 30 days. Information applies to single members, as well as those with dependents.
Mandatory Pre-Deployment Briefings are held weekly here at the M&FRC. Now called the R2: Readiness and Remote Expo, the briefing lasts approximately 75-90 minutes. Briefings include Legal, Finance, PA, Mental Health, Voting Office, and M&FRC. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend.

Hearts Apart is a vital element of deployment readiness activities hosted by the Military & Family Readiness Centers (M&FRC) helping families stay connected to Airmen. Hearts Apart activities focus on deployment support for Airmen & families during pre-deployment and sustainment. Hearts Apart also includes support to families separated due to extended TDY lasting 30 days or more as well as to families whose Airman is on a remote assignment. The M&FRC hosts a bi-monthly Hearts Apart family-oriented event that promote sense of community, quality of life and family resiliency.
Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) funds community enhancement programs while Airmen are deployed to include:
Deployer Child Care (free limited child care)
Key Spouse Program The Key Spouse Program is the official family readiness program that supports Airmen and their families during deployments, separations and emergencies as well as enhancing and encouraging regular communications between unit’s leadership and families designed to enhance readiness and establish a sense of community. The program helps leadership, commanders and First Sergeants, connect with unit families through a network of volunteers who work to keep accurate information flow. To find out more about the Key Spouse Program, contact the Military & Family Readiness Center.
Children also experience separation. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/family.com is a website that provides support to children ages 6-17. The highly interactive website helps children cope with stress, changing responsibilities, and concern for the safety of their parents.
If you would like to know more about the Family Readiness Program, contact us at 707-424-2486.