Travis AFB
Military & Family
Readiness Center

What We Offer
Client Services
Major areas of assistance available through the A&FRC include the following services:
Personal Preparedness
Information and Referral
Relocation Counseling
Personal Financial Services Counseling
Employment Assistance
Transition Assistance
Family Life Education
Emergency Financial and Crisis Assistance
Assessment and crisis counseling is available through short-term sessions
Morale and Work Unit Team-building: We offer team-building exercises to help individuals and understand how to communicate more effectively and work together more efficiently, increasing both their morale and their level of camaraderie.
​Develop and Enrich Spouse Groups: We are ready to assist commanders in establishing new groups, strengthening existing groups, training spouse group leaders and providing on-going support to these integral members of our military community.
Family Matters Consultant for Unit Commanders: CRCs assist unit leadership in assessing individual or family concerns and in making appropriate referrals in areas such as finance, communication, parenting, etc.
​Facilitation of Personal Empowerment: Our CRCs assist in providing individuals' a better understanding of their contribution and significance in the USAF.
Morale and Work Unit Team-building: We offer team-building exercises to help individuals and understand how to communicate effectively and work together more efficiently, to increase both morale and their level of camaraderie.
​Develop and Enrich Spouse Groups: We assist commanders in establishing new groups, strengthening existing groups, training group leaders, and providing on-going support to these integral members of our military community.
Family Matters Consultant for Unit Commanders: CRCs provide unit leadership assistance in assessing individual or family concerns and in making appropriate referrals.
Facilitation of Personal Empowerment: Our CRCs assist in providing individuals' a better understanding of their contribution and significance in the USAF.